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Ottawa Centre Minor Hockey Association
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Open Volunteer Positions


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Dear Ottawa Centre Hockey Families,

While there are many players continuing to participate in the OC spring 4 on 4 program, it is time to start planning for the 2024/25 hockey season. There are several Ottawa Centre Executive positions that are open for this season. We understand that individuals without experience in these roles are often tentative to volunteer. The current executive would like to assure you that you should not be tentative. When all the roles are filled it really makes for light work for the entire group. The challenge we have with unfilled positions is that some members of the executive have more than one role which is more taxing, unfair and ultimately not sustainable.
Volunteers for most roles do not have to have a hockey background. Although we are happy with all volunteers, we would like to encourage volunteers associated with younger players to consider stepping forward. The current executive has several volunteers who no longer have players in the program. Without volunteers it will be difficult for Ottawa Centre to continue to operate as an independent association. This could lead to a merger into a larger association resulting in more travel and less opportunity for children to play with their neighbourhood friends. We encourage any individuals considering  steeping forward to reach out to a current executive member if you have any questions.
Our executive meeting is coming up on June 6th at the Firehall in Old Ottawa South. The following positions are open:
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Registrar
  • Ice Scheduler
  • Communications/Marketing
< OC Executive >

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ICYMI: New Coaches Primer/Refresher


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